3 nights in hospital is the standard post-operative stay. Should issues arise, occasionally patients may need to stay longer.
How much time will I need off work?
It depends on your type of work. Office work would require 2-3 weeks off to recover at home. Physical jobs may require up to 4 weeks of recovery time.
How much weight can I lose?
Weight loss varies between patients. The average is 69% of excess weight in the 1st year. It does require adherence to the post-operative diet/plan and exercise to achieve your best results. Nothing is guaranteed, but hard work gets you your best results.
Can I eat normal food after surgery?
You will be on a post-operative diet for a period of time after surgery but will transition to normal food. Portions will be significantly reduced and carbohydrates best avoided, but otherwise, normal food can be eaten in small amounts.
When can I exercise?
Walking is advised almost straight after surgery. You will be given clearance to exercise at your 1-month appointment with Mr Henderson.
What about pregnancy?
Pregnancy is not advised in the first 12 months after surgery. Contraception is advised after surgery as fertility issues often improve with weight loss.
Will I get excess skin?
This is dependent on several factors and varies from patient to patient. We do not recommend contouring surgery until 18 months after surgery when your weight loss has stabilised.
Will I lose some hair?
Hair loss does occur for some patients. This can be up to 10% of hair and generally lasts up to 6 months after your operation. For most patients, it will regrow.
Can I use my Superannuation?
Yes. Our team will help you complete your forms and guide you through the process.
I have a problem with my LAP-BAND™/MiniMizer Ring™. Can I come to see Mr Henderson?
Yes. Mr Henderson looks after all bariatric issues even if you've seen another surgeon. He also performs endoscopy so can fully assess you.
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